Machine Learning of Amazonian Fish

A new paper out today in Ecology and Evolution

As part of his work with the Data Science Lab and SCBI, former graduate student fellow Dr. Alex Robillard publishes a new machine learning model trained to identify Amazonian fish. Along side colleagues in the DSL, Dr. Robbilard built and trained the model using images captured on board fishing and research boats in the Amazon.


Alex White


May 1, 2023

Stay tuned

  • Robillard, A., Trizna, M. G., Ruiz-Tafur, K., Panduro, E. D., de Santana, C. D., White, A. E., Dikow, R. B., Deichmann, J. 2023. Application of a Deep Learning Image Classifier for Identification of Amazonian Fishes. Ecology and Evolution

A more comprehensive post about the paper is coming soon. In the meantime, try using our model here or peruse our GitHub repo here.